Karen P. Yang
I am a disciplined C/C++/C# developer with a firm grounding in server-side web technologies and relational databases. I am seeking a job in producing cutting-edge consumer applications in an environment that provides ample challenges and opportunities for knowledge growth.
Professional Experience
Apr 2006-Present @ Yahoo! Inc, Sunnyvale CA. - Technical Yahoo!
- Developing and maintaining SorbetV2, the heterogeneous multimedia processing grid cluster and the backend of Y! Audio/Video.
- Full design cycle of Sorbet V3 in C# and Oracle database.
- Developing and testing SorbetV2.1 coordinator and SQL Server database. Migrating millions of content from SQL Server to Oracle.
- Implementing dynamic web crawlers and smart downloader.
- Developing and maintaining Dashboard and statistic reports.
- Workers maintainance, operations, ACLs, SA responsibility for hundreds of transcoding machines.
Jan 2003-Mar 2006 @ SDL/Trados, Sunnyvale CA. - Software Programming and Engineering
- Research and developing an example-based machine translation system in Java.
- Working with engineering team to develop enhancements in C#.
- Implementing new testing utility with GUI using Swing.
- Providing test programs in VB.
- Constructing and coding migration applications in C++ to migrate millions of records from Oracle database to SQLServer database, with locale conversion.
- Providing test cases.
May 2000-Jan 2003 @ Uniscape Inc. , Sunnvale CA. - Software Engineer
- Working with fellow engineers to develop company's flagship product, *TranslatorStudio with intelligent Translation Memory technology to allow reusing previously-translated data, to support different character sets and to simplify the localization process.
- Constructing and coding migration applications in C++ to migrate millions of records from Oracle database to SQLServer database, with locale conversion.
- Designing and implementing migration project between production Oracle databases containing several millions of records.
- Planning and implementing customer requests for product enhancement, involving C/C++ API design and data modeling on production Oracle database.
- Programming a glossary generation module, using ASP and C, for users to query meaningful terms from translation memories with defined conditions.
- Porting software components to Sun OS 5.7 from Windows.
- Producing UNIX shell scripts for unit testing .
- Investigating and solving high severity bugs and issues.
- Developing C++ application interfaces to Oracle database and MS Access through ODBC.
- Providing PL/SQL script support for production database upgrade/change.
- Automating project report generation with PL/SQL scripts.
- Researching and developing a WYSIWYG HTML editor using Visual Basic.
- Conducting ERD for the migration projects and training team members on application usage and features.
- Benchmarking and testing newly developed software components.
- Standardizing coding rules for internal engineering development team.
June 1999-May 2000 @ BroadLogic Inc., Milpitas CA. Test Engineer
- Providing C test programs to analyze MPEG2 program and transport streams in the form of PES packets.
- Releasing firmware and driver updates to customers.
Skills and knowledge
Programming languages
- C/C++/C#
- VBScript
- Perl and UNIX shell script
- make files (make, nmake)
- Java
Development environment & software
- MS Visual Studio 6, .Net
- MS Visual SourceSafe
- StarTeam Source Control System
- Bash, Cygwin, MS command shell
- Vim
- Eclipse, Maven, Junit
Operating systems
- Windows XP/2000/NT
- Windows 98/95
- Solaris
- Graphics software
- CorelDraw 11
- Translation software
- TranslatorStudio
- Trados Workbench
- Trados MTiX
2000 Santa Clara University - B.S. in Computer Engineering
- Senior Design Project: Heterogeneous Device Control using IBM's TSpaces. The project uses Tspaces as the communication buffer between the controlling and controlled devices. Using Java Speech as the application interfaces, user can trigger devices via voice or through a Java GUI.
- Programming related: data structures, computer graphic, parallel and concurrent programming, operating systems, software tool design, theory of algorithm and assembly.
2003 Santa Clara University - Graduate course
- Client/Server Component: online auction system. Implement and deploy a simple online auction system using J2EE technology.
Additional skill
Fluent in Mandarin and Taiwanese; read/write Traditional Chinese.
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© 2002-2010 Sean Yang, Karen Yang, Don Yang and/or respective authors,
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