
Puchu.Net is a personal web site that keeps information interesting to me together, accessible anywhere Internet connection is available.

On the side there are a few software engineering projects, when completed, will be released from Puchu.Net. They are forever in development, some of them are in use at work, so one of these days...

The origin of name "puchu" came from a quirky cartoon, which I will not promote here. If you are curious about them, here is a quote from Wikipedia:

...Puchuus, a race of insidiously cute aliens competing with ACROSS for world conquest.

and that has little relationship with this site, as nobody here is going after world domination. Puchu.Net came into being because all other interesting, short and easy-to-spell names were taken. After I registered, however, people started squatting on other domain extensions. Heh.

This site runs on server from Hurricane Electric. They have great support, you get a Linux shell with access to compilers and tools, and the price is reasonable in my opinion.

If you have any questions regarding content hosted on Puchu.Net, please contact web.puchu@puchu.net. Thank you very much for your help. If you are interested in setting up your own MediaWiki site, or want to learn what scripts, extensions and modifications have been done to Puchu.Net please see Puchu.Net MediaWiki configuration.






Document is accessible from http://www.puchu.net. © 2002-2010 Sean Yang, Karen Yang, Don Yang and/or respective authors, all rights reserverd.

This material may contain (biased) opinions, inappropriate materials for numerous individuals, work of other authors from the internet, links that refer to other web documents and resources, or origial work that cannot be use for personal or commercial purposes. Please respect the work of original authors.

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