Puchu.Net:Privacy policy

Puchu.Net does save cookies on your computer, but that's only for MediaWiki and saving state of menu visibility.

Puchu.Net does not use Java, ActiveX, Flash or Shockwave.

Search and dictionary utilities will redirect your queries1 to http://search.live.com/, or http://search.yahoo.com/, or http://www.google.com/, and http://www.dictionary.com/. If you choose to use these features, your information may be disclosed to those service providers (such as the terms you search, your IP address, etc.).

Administrators may analyze the web server access log for performance, security analysis and other uses. Puchu.Net does not sell data to anyone, will never be interested in your personal information, and does not collect such information.

1. Which search site to use is randomized.


Document is accessible from http://www.puchu.net. © 2002-2010 Sean Yang, Karen Yang, Don Yang and/or respective authors, all rights reserverd.

This material may contain (biased) opinions, inappropriate materials for numerous individuals, work of other authors from the internet, links that refer to other web documents and resources, or origial work that cannot be use for personal or commercial purposes. Please respect the work of original authors.

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