2008-04-03 Choco Blog
This page was last modified 2008-04-02 19:06:47 by Puchu.Net user Choco. (Show history)

April Fools

Couldn't trust anything I read yesterday. Some of the jokes were pretty elaborate and fun, like this one and another one.

So Puchu

Somebody decided to register another Puchu site with a different extension. And this clown has it registered for another few years.

Why? I picked Puchu because it was rather obscure and I figured nobody would be fighting for this domain name. I was right and I had no trouble registering.

Puchu.Net is a personal site; while I do not intend to make money with it, the existence of this other site is very strange to me. All it has is advertisement. It's like dumping trash by the curb of someone else's house. Perhaps the fees required to register for a domain name is too cheap for the good of Internet.


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