This page was last modified 2008-01-17 14:19:01 by Puchu.Net user Choco. (Show history)
This page only list links to some developers and their job listings present in North America.
| Job listings
Arena.Net Guild Wars
| Jobs in Bellevue, WA
Relic Entertainment Homeworld, Company of Heroes
| Jobs in Vancouver, BC
Blizzard Entertainment StarCraft, WarCraft
| Jobs in Irvine, CA
Linden Lab Second Life
| Jobs in San Francisco, Mountain View and Davis, CA
Retro Studios Metriod Prime
| Jobs in Austin, TX
Sega Sonic, ChuChu Rocket, Virtua Racing, Virtua Fighter, Rez
| Jobs in San Francisco, CA
Nintendo Super Mario Bros., Kirby, Brain Age, Donkey Kong, Animal Crossing
| Jobs in Redmond, WA
Capcom Street Fighter, Rockman, Resident Evil
| Jobs in Sunnyvale, CA
Namco Bandai Tekken, Pac Man, Ridge Racer
| Jobs in Santa Clara, CA
Tecmo Dead or Alive, Ninja Gaiden
| Jobs in Torrance, CA
Konami Contra, Gradius, Dance Dance Revolution
| Jobs in Redwood City, Los Angeles, CA
Bungie Studios Halo, Oni
| Jobs in Kirkland, WA
PopCap Games Bookworm
| Jobs in Seattle, WA
Surreal Drakan
| Jobs in Seattle, WA
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