This page was last modified 2007-10-17 12:59:09 by Puchu.Net user Choco. (Show history)

MirrorMask follows the adventure of Helena into her dream world that strangly mirrors events in her real life.

The acting is excellent, and the fantasy world presented in the movie is filled with interesting scenes and characters. I am most impressed with the cool drawings that are integral to the movie, as well as the full range of emotions that Helena brings to the screen. The rest of the cast do not get as much screen time, but all of them gave outstanding performance. Some of the most memorable characters do not even look or act human, but their dialog and interaction with Helena adds much humor to this entertaining movie.

Half-way through the movie there is a scene where Helena transforms. The imagery and the music has been stuck in my head for the last several days. There are many more memorable and mesmerizing moments, you should watch and see for yourself.

There is a happy ending to the movie and, while the story isn't very different from alice in Wonderland or Wizard of Oz, the excellent integration of various storytelling technique and element makes all of the conflicts presented much more engaging.

gives a score of:
 9 / 10 

Media Information

Languages English, French, Portuguese, Thai
Subtitles English, French, Chinese, Thai, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
Rating PG
Region 1

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