This page was last modified 2008-08-16 01:11:37 by Puchu.Net user Choco. (Show history)
Free with Metal Gear Solid 4 bundle, Pain is not a fun game at all.
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ESRB Rating
Pain is a pain in the ass to play. While watching the character I control slam into various things is mildly amusing at first, it quickly loses novelty and my interest. The install and update process is just asinine, and that is nearly two hours of my life I will never get back.
Game Mechanics and Controls
- Launch character at various objects in a scene, cause chain reaction and havoc.
Excellent Ideas
- I didn't get to play the game almost an hour after I launched it. The reason is a 50MB update, that cannot be downloaded and applied in the background. Then the game loads and proceeds to check for even more updates and installing them. I must have watched the same update screen flashing by 10 times before the title screen appears.
- Crash course is mandatory and lame. At one point the game instructed me to shake the controller to get super Oouch, which I did but then it refused to move to next section of tutorial. So I cannot play the single and multiplayer portions until I grind through some silly lecture? Thank god I didn't pay for this piece of work.
Other Notes
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