Sean H. Yang
e-mail: sean@puchu.net
I am a disciplined C/C#/perl/UNIX developer with a firm grounding in digital multimedia applications, server-side web technologies with relational databases, and sophisticated client-side graphical interfaces. I am seeking a job in producing cutting-edge consumer applications in an environment that provides ample challenges and opportunities for knowledge growth.
Work Experience
2008 to present
| Technical Yahoo, Yahoo! Inc.
- working working working...
2002 to 2008
| Software Development Engineer, Toshiba America Electronic Components, Inc.
- designing and developing new features (channel browser, directory browser, image viewer, etc.) for Toshiba's digital television application.
- optimizing image decoding application by implementing faster algorithms, using inline assembly and other techniques.
- tools to interact/adjust television features from a computer over network.
- developing, debugging and enhancing video decoding firmware for Toshiba's LSI; designed and implemented firmware with automatic frame buffer management for single full-HD or dual half-HD decoding with minimum memory usage, and video output timing generation mechanism without application intervention
- working with engineers in the U.S., Germany and Taiwan to create Linux-based ATSC and DVB-T televisions
- working with engineers in the U.S. and Japan to create a Linux-based consumer digital video recorder
- designing and developing hardware abstraction API layer for a multimedia processor capable of real-time MPEG2 encoding and decoding
- creating build, package and test frameworks for hardware abstraction API layer
- MPEG2 TS/PS, VBI CC/WSS stream parsing and analysis
- video playback trick play with audio/video synchronization, hardware/system resource management and data transfer tuning/analysis
- video encoding with data pattern optimization
- developed Linux PCM device driver to support a subset of OSS ioctl calls
- Tetris on our prototype board to verify graphics capabilities of our multimedia processor
- experience working with various formats of audio/video streams
1999 to 2002
| Development Tools Engineer, Portal Software, Inc. (now acquired by Oracle)
- creating browser-independent DHTML and JavaScript interfaces displaying dynamic views of downloadable products customized for each customer on Pin.com
- constructing a Oracle database to track Continuus metadata for over 500,000 elements in the SCM migration from Continuus to ClearCase
- designing a UNIX filesystem hierarchy which supports the native Continuus directory structure, relative symbolic linking to nested objects, and automatically mapping this hierarchy to hundreds of UCM components to 8+ ClearCase VOBs via scripts
- implementing a platform-independent CRC utility in C and perl to provide checksums on binary executables
- analyzing server logs created from web server usage, operating system events, and software build operations with UNIX shell scripts
- matching build error messages with SCM activities to generate detailed e-mail notification to build-breaking developers
- generating statistical reports for source code files (e.g. C++, Java, perl, Windows Resource, SQL, makefiles, proprietary Portal file formats) in perl
- modifying Oracle databases for Pin.com and ClearQuest
- administering FrontPage Web Service to enable publication of internal Engineering guides, procedures, and FAQs
- performing user support of Continuus and ClearCase/ClearQuest
- authoring online training resources to install, administer, and maintain Portal's SCM end-user clients
- designing centralized web portal GUI to provide build system administration and scheduling in JavaScript and perl
- executing and troubleshooting integration and nightly builds
- producing product packaging (e.g. labels, CD jackets) and CD/DVD discs of Portal software for customers, Marketing, and Legal
1998 to 1999
| Student System Administrator, SCU Design Center
- manage 90 workstations (mixture of UNIX and NT machines) for SCUDC, computing center for school of Engineering
- installing hardware, maintain environment from print queue to software installation
- converting shell scripts between various shells
Skill and Knowledge
programming languages
- C/C++/C#
- Perl, web CGI
- JavaScript/DHTML, browser-independent web pages
- UNIX shell script
- applications/scripts with Oracle database interaction, data modeling and planning
- makefiles (make, nmake)
- exposure to PHP, MySQL, PL/SQL, Java, FORTRAN, BASIC, and x86/MIPS assembly
programming software packages
- MS Visual Studio, MS .Net Platform, Managed Direct X
- Keil/FS2 on CAST8051
- perl CGI, DBI, GD, PerLDAP
- VMWare
- Perforce, Continuus/CM, ClearCase, ClearQuest, Visual Source Safe
- vi, vim, gdb
- bash, csh, Cygwin, MS command shell
- Sony Playstation proprietary C libraries (Net Yaroze)
- exposure to MFC, WinAPI, Windows Forms
web and graphics design
- CSS, complex table layout, strong visual organization
- hand-coded HTML, CSS and JavaScript code from scratch; rich experience with vector graphics prototyping to HTML page design
- attention to usability and dynamic interaction through DHTML and JavaScript
- MediaWiki setup, customization and administration experience
- expertise in using CorelDraw, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Fireworks and Illustrator for web site graphics and layout
- 3D rendering and animation packages such as Luxology Modo and Hash Animation:Master
hardware tools
- oscilloscope
- logic analyzers
- stream/video/HDMI signal generators
- Yokogawa hardware debuggers
system administration
- hardware configuration/installation, rack mounting (Compaq Proliant, HP N-class, Sun E250, E450, HP D-class)
- installing/compiling OS kernel, compilers and applications (e.g. Oracle, Continuus) on Linux, HP-UX, Solaris and Windows
- upgrading hardware (CPU, memory, hard drives)
- UNIX shell commands, Windows registry, file sharing, SAM, swinstall
- can read manuals, RFC, etc. =)
operating systems
- Linux, Solaris, HP-UX
- Windows XP/2000/NT/Vista/TSM
- MS-DOS, Windows 98/95
- MacOS X
- exposure to BeOS, IRIX, MacOS 8
Education and Training
training and conference
- KNK Seminars & Strategies, MPEG4 Technologies and Applications
- KNK Seminars & Strageties, H.264 / Advanced Video Coding
- Managing Software Projects with Rational ClearCase and UCM, ClearCase administration
- Fundamentals of Rational ClearCase and UCM, developer class of ClearCase and ClearQuest
- Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Administration and Architecture, Oracle database
- Introduction to Oracle: SQL and PL/SQL
- Continuus/CM administration
- Continuus/CM developer and build manager
1999 Santa Clara University
B.S. in computer science,
minor in computer engineering and Japanese
- programming related: Data Structures, Computer Networks (Simple FTP client/server), Windows Programming (WinAPI and MFC), Computer Graphics, Parallel and Concurrent Programming
- math: Cryptography and Cryptanalysis, Theory of Algorithms, Multimedia Compression
- general engineering: Operating Systems, Software Tool Design, Logic Design
Additional Skills
- fluent traditional Chinese (Mandarin)
- intermediate knowledge of Japanese
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© 2002-2010 Sean Yang, Karen Yang, Don Yang and/or respective authors,
all rights reserverd.
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