This page was last modified 2008-10-31 12:30:36 by Puchu.Net user Choco. (Show history)
Futuristic racing game with weapons in high-definition.
Go to: [ Game Mechanics and Controls | Good | Bad | Notes ]
| SCEE Studio Liverpool
Web site
| http://www.wipeouthd.com/
| Playstation 3
| $19.99
ESRB Rating
| EVERYONE 10+, for fantasy violence.
Game Mechanics and Controls
Excellent Ideas
- Ships and racetracks geometry is very detailed.
- If you don't feel like practicing and memorizing the tracks, the pilot-assist feature works. Even my baby son could complete laps just by pressing the accelerate button.
- The zone mode, with textures replaced by solid colors is very cool.
- Screenshot feature is neat, being able to save the images to disk is a good feature.
- Don't like the motion-sensor controls... takes a while to adjust the sensitivities, and it still doesn't work the way I expect some of the time.
Other Notes
- I think I like the older presentations done by the Designer's Republic better. While not affecting the game play, I thought the atmosphere was more interesting.
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