This page was last modified 2007-02-17 20:18:32 by Puchu.Net user Omoikane. Based on work by Puchu.Net user(s) Choco. (Show history)
ChuChu Rocket is a competitive multiplayer game and an entertaining puzzle game.
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ChuChu Rocket was one of the first few games I purchased when I bought Dreamcast. The puzzle and single player modes are entertaining and easy to pick up, since everything is based on simple rules. I happen to like playing puzzle games, it was the reason why I bought the game.
However, when you have friends over and enough controllers, you can play multiplayer games that are truly chaotic. The goals remain the same, but often I see that people enjoy attempting to win as much as messing other people up.
For me ChuChu Rocket is a lot shorter than I'd like to see. But this game is also easier to play and cheaper to buy than others, and I really liked is the fact that ChuChu Rocket is built purely on an awesome game play. I heard the Game Boy Advanced, released a few years after the Dreamcast, version has many more puzzles, and that's probably a better version to own. It has all the qualities of a great game for portable system.
Game Mechanics and Controls
- Buttons will lay arrows in 4 directions, use digital pad or analog joystick to control cursor. The trigger buttons have different functions when playing in different modes. This game has simple controls.
Excellent Ideas
- The game mechanics is excellent. The tiles you place on the game board has an arrow on them, which can be used to direct mice or cat in the direction that the arrow points. The mice and cats share the same rule of going straight and turn right when they hit a wall; they travel at different speeds. The (usual) common goal for the various game modes is to send the mice to designated rockets while avoiding cats.
- The puzzles have just the right amount of difficulty for a wide range of audience. The reason is because you can initiate a run to see where the characters are moving, and reset the puzzle in an instant. So a player can choose to figure everything out before placing the tiles, or send the mice running for a little hint.
- Multiplayer is easy to pick up, it even supports online play! In many ways Dreamcast is ahead of its time, and has helped to shape the future of video games. The multiplayer game involves gathering special items, requires fast reflex and is great fun when you have 4 players.
- This game lose its single-player values quickly after you've completed the puzzles. I guess whether this is an annoyance or not has to do with how quickly you finish the puzzles.
Other Notes
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